Picture of a flower


Enrollment for 2025-2026 opens February 15. 

We encourage you to attend one of our monthly Information Meetings where we will walk through our programs with you, and give your family a tour of the Schoolhouse. You may also schedule a time for your child or children to spend a morning in the classroom. Click the Information Meetings button on the home page to see the dates for our upcoming meetings.


​To apply, please click on the “Apply Here” button below and fill out the application. Upon notification of acceptance and receipt of the application fee, your student will have a reserved spot in his/her classroom. 

 Please read the Verity Schoolhouse Handbook before applying. 




APPLICATION FEE: $100 per new family/year

REGISTRATION FEE: $70 per returning family/year

TUITION: $2400 per student/year

SUPPLY FEE: $200 per student/year


APPLICATION FEE: $50 per new family/year**

REGISTRATION FEE: $50 per returning family/year*

TUITION: $600 per student/year

SUPPLY FEE: $100 per student/year



APPLICATION FEE: $100 per new family/year

REGISTRATION FEE: $70 per returning family/year

TUITION: $3000 per student/year

SUPPLY FEE: $300 per student/year


  • Fees may be paid yearly, monthly, or by semester. Supply fees may be rolled into tuition fee (and thereby split into monthly payments). 
  • Application Fee is for new families only. This fee covers enrollment paperwork, reserves your student’s classroom placement, and funds your family’s subscription to Brightwheel. 
  • *Returning Families pay one Registration Fee and do NOT need to re-apply. This fee covers enrollment paperwork, reserves your student’s classroom placement, and funds your family’s subscription to Brightwheel. 
  • Parents must purchase their student’s curriculum for math and language arts. Altogether, this totals around $200 for both subjects, and is bought directly through the publisher. These core subjects will be taught both at the Schoolhouse and at home. The link below will take you to a document that details the curriculum purchased for 2024-2025. 

2024-2025 Curriculum and Supply Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Class Size

Verity Schoolhouse feels a lot like a large family. We have a range of ages in grades K – 8th. Throughout the day, we have class periods where we are all together, family-style. These include our opening and closing times, recess, and lunch. 

Each Academic morning (Tuesday/Thursday) one class period is spent on Math and one class period is spent on Language Arts. These are our “Core” classes. We have four teachers during this time and divide our classes into four Core Cluster Groups: Kindergarten, 1st – 2nd grade, 3rd – 4th grade, and 5th – 8th grade. Within each of these classes, instruction is given in the level at which each child has placed per his/her assessment testing. Assignments are sent home for these core subjects only. 

Our afternoons are spent learning about history and geography, and reading excellent literature. During this time, we divide into two groups: Kindergarten through 2nd grade and 3rd grade through 8th grade. 

10 – Max # of students in each Core Cluster Group

4 – Core Cluster Groups

1:10 – Teacher to student ratio

Age Eligibility

Verity Schoolhouse will provide support for families with students ages 5 (Kindergarten)  through 14 (8th grade). In order to enroll into kindergarten, students must pass the language arts and math assessments to show readiness. 

​We are gauging interest for a Pre-K program (age 4+) for the 2025-2026 school year. This program would run simultaneously with our older students, and would help ease students and families into a homeschool rhythm and routine, as well as prepare young students academically, socially, and emotionally for our Kindergarten program. Please reach out to us with interest or questions!
